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Integrated Management System

NOVATEK uses the Integrated HSE Management System (IMS), embracing environmental and climate aspects. In environmental management, the system complies with the international standard ISO 14001. Standards of the Integrated Management System are certified in terms of OHS in accordance with ISO 45001.

In 2022, an audit by an independent international certification agency found the IMS to be effective and focused on continuous improvement.

58% production subsidiaries of the Company are certified to ISO 14001.

53% production enterprises are certified to ISO 45001. The Company regularly undergoes surveillance audits of its management system’s compliance with these standards.

The IMS follows the management model “Planning—Implementation—Follow-Up—Acting”, which is a continuous and iterative process that allows to establish, implement and maintain the HSE Policy, with the Company’s management playing the leading role.

The IMS standardizes business processes related to health, safety, and environment in the area of planning, identification of environmental aspects, environmental risk assessment, roles and responsibilities of personnel, reporting, internal audit, etc.